Be a Better Writer: A Series!

I’ve been thinking recently about how to improve my writing in a way that goes beyond reading every book on writing that comes out. Spoiler alert: I’ve already read a lot of those books (#imayhaveaproblem) and although they’re all useful in some way, most of them focus on improving your ability to structure a story, and most often a longer-form story like a novel. I know from my pleasure reading (#idefinitelyhaveaproblem) that the best novels share something with the best short stories, and it comes down to the sentence level–in other words, how the writing itself is done.

Hence a new 5-minute blog post series: Be a Better Writer. Each week I’ll focus on a different aspect of writing from a granular sentence-level and pursue exercises and hacks to make it better. You’re welcome to follow along with me, or create a series of your own, and I’d love it if you would share exercises, tips, and hacks in the comments.

So! Look for a new BaBW post every MONDAY. The first one goes up on May 17, 2021. See you then!

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