Putting a Bookbaby Aside

It’s not an easy decision to make. Check out my latest podcasts on Read Write Geek to hear how I’m making my decisions, and some thoughts about how you can make yours. Bonus tarot reading for all interested. 😉 …

It’s Geek Day on Read Write Geek!

Talking about evolution today, and the basis of life in real science and science fiction. Did you know the first whale lived on land and walked around on four legs? Or that scientists have coaxed bacteria into building bonds between…

Writing and Woo

I don’t usually blog about Woo (aka woo-woo, aka my spirituality, aka magic, divination, witchy business). It’s a deep part of my spiritual practice and I get that not everyone really “feels” it, and that’s perfectly fine and really, as…

Making Money with Fiction

OF COURSE we write because we’re passionate about the journey. But personally I could get a little passionate about some cash recognition of my skills in that regard, you dig? Today’s podcast is about making money with fiction–not the big…

Let’s Vote for the Hugo Awards!

illustration: the hugo award statuette

Okay, not really, because that shit costs $50. But we can have our own vote among the Hugo Award nominees. (Not sure what I’m talking about? No worries! More info on my podcast, Read Write Geek, which you can find…

My Podcast is Back!

No doubt all 3.4 of my regular blog followers who are also among the 1.1 regular consumers of my podcast will be delighted to know that Read Write Geek will be back online next week, with promises of engaging content,…

Writing-adjacent Advice

Having just seen not one but three videos in which writers offering “writing advice” were basically skewered as never-to-be-published money-hoarding imposters, I’m loathe to call this writing advice. I had thought a fun, light-hearted series on how to Be a…

You CAN Publish & Thrive!

It’s that time again, and I’m so excited! My friend Sarra Cannon is running the next cycle of her wonderful 5-week course on Indie publishing, Publish & Thrive, starting August 9. I’ve gotten so much out of this course every…